01:14 <Dynamo> yo Lunick
01:14 <Lunick> yo yo yo
01:15 <Lunick> Tom Hall just found the Commander Keen source code \o/
01:15 <Lunick> Well not just \o/
01:15 <Dynamo> you gotta be fucl kidding me
01:15 <Dynamo> for WHICH commander keen
01:15 <Lunick> It's just a white book(?) with Commander Keen written on the side
01:15 <Lunick> Let me get the image

01:17 <Lunick> https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 9894_n.jpg Dynamo
01:17 <Lunick> Keen Sources so maybe 1-3
If anyone knows more...
EDIT: Updated first post with valuable info: namely that the source code is that of keen 4-5-6 (not vorticons or dreams), and it's gonna be released soon according to tom hall