Thanks that worked. I'm missing something regarding jump height though. Impossible pogo jump doesn't seem to give me extra altitude in this game. In Xax Valley Woods I can't make it to the goplat even jumping from the Gik. And in Pyramid of the Curses I can't seem to get to the second Lindsey in the safe room, I just don't have enough jump height. Is there some trick like impossible pogo in this one to get a bit more extra height?
Edit: Figured out the secret in Pyramid of the Suns, thanks for the hint. Dang Pyramid of the Curses is evil, haven't made it through yet. I think I get how to do the Bloog Tower to but that one is very tricky to pull it off without losing all my lives.
Edit2: Made it a bit further in Pyramid of the Curses. I'm starting to feel what K1n9_Duk3 was aiming at. To me Pyramid of the Suns was still a fair level. That Berkeloid near the yellow door can get you stuck, but once you get that you are supposed to quickly go to the left from the goplats to grab the red key it's not a big deal. In fact, once you get to know the levels and figure out the tricks to the sections and the way to go most levels feel doable on normal. The four- and five-star levels (and Sand Yego) are occasionally quite challenging but nothing that feels grossly unfair. But Pyramid of the Curses is different. It is what if you take Pyramid of the Forbidden from the original Keen 4 on Hard difficulty, ramp up the difficulty and timing of dart shooters and mad mushrooms (red key room directly after the safe room) to absolute extreme levels, still put Skypests over dropping goplats above insta-death pits only this time you have to get past them three times and there are way more Skypests (green key room directly after the safe room), and it just goes on and on. Almost every single section of this level is designed to just kill you without any kind of mercy, and this is on Normal difficulty. I wonder if anyone other than some speedrunning Keen Gods who have truly mastered the Galaxy engine to perfection can actually green-flag this level without cheating, or even complete the level in the first place.