Thanks, Sodium! The Little Ampton is in the top-right corner, holding the plug for the tree, though its coloring makes the outlines blend in. I only spent a few hours working on this, because I wanted to make something that could be nominated in Keen Awards 2024, and... I don't know. When I posted it, it's still 2024 in the leftmost time zones, but 2025 elsewhere. I guess the lesson here is to not hold off until the last minute; I came up with the idea around Christmas. At least it was very fun to draw!
Anyway, I was looking through the Commander Keen Reddit group a while ago, and found these weird fanart by StarHitchhiker:
Source #1, #2
I nominated them in Keen Awards 2024, because while the dates shown in the art say 2022, they were posted on Reddit in 2024, and I can't find them elsewhere (it doesn't help that many social media sites are so locked down for guests). I think the second one looks very cool, kind of reminds me of OrbKeen, but I'm not so about the first one. That one seems a bit too weird, although Keen kind of looks funny. I've briefly looked at some of the non-Keen art this person made, and there seems to be some characters that are proportioned similarly to Keen in the first art piece, as well as "Boing boing"s being uttered along with strange patterns. Seems like StarHitchhiker has a thing with surrealism.
Fan-art thread
Re: Fan-art thread
Quillax Ship - Where you can download all of my cool, keen mods and super-marvelous fangames!
Re: Fan-art thread
That's a cool find, I love the second one. The first one reminds me of Keenbot although the similarity is probably purely coincidental.
A strange spirit has taken residence within the Temple of Jaral.
Re: Fan-art thread
I'd love to share with you some pieces I drew.
I use acrylic paints on wooden boards.
I'd love to share with you some pieces I drew.
I use acrylic paints on wooden boards.
Re: Fan-art thread
Ooh, that looks fantastic, Symphony!The Keen Dreams artwork in particular is very nice! I always like seeing traditional (i.e. non-computerized) art!
Man, I totally forgot about Keenbot! Granted, I'm sure it's a coincidence like you said.
Quillax Ship - Where you can download all of my cool, keen mods and super-marvelous fangames!
Re: Fan-art thread
Nice job Symphony! Those do look quite nice!