I am well aware this would be more fitting to post on an AGS forum, but I just find it more comfortable to share it with you guys

Story would be like a spiritual succecor to my modding trilogy, so some characters and places would reappear, but most of them wouldn't be exactly connected to their previous established plots and character traits.
Summary of the plot so far would be: 'Craig and his partner Myah Gazeley are now slightly unhinged bounty hunters and are on their way to discover the secrets of the universe.' Plot and the style of writing, unlike LucasArts games, are definitely more written for adult audiences.
Unlike my mods, this is entirely a solo project, so I am learning some coding in the process, which is really cool having full control of the project despite the fact I am spending more time reading the manual of the AGS than I care to admit. I've also managed to implement an 'Affinity' status, which would be affected by how you interact with your partner, and a database of characters that gets updated as you meet them.
Also, the fact that I am not bound to use IMF format for the music and effects is pretty cool, too!
I currently have finished only the first chapter, but I am having so much fun every step of the way.
Still, I wanted to share this, especially since DoomJedi made some interesting points about my style of graphics in a other post, and I can't thank him enough for suggesting some alternate software, which I was too stubborn to learn. Now, I don't want to think about how much better and faster I would have animated some enemies in my mods had I used Piskel, but you live and learn, and all that.
I know a few screenshots don't show as much as playing the game, but here are some if anyone is interested: