Feel free to make any suggestions!
Nominations ended in January 18, 2025. A list of the polls can be found here.
1: Programming
1.1: Best Vorticon Mod (incl. level packs)
- The Life of Mars by SodiumtheGlitcher
- Inside the Vorticon Hyve v.0.6 by Vortlike
- Mura v.0.2 by Nospike
- Keen Dreams Gold Edition by szemi
- Revival of Bliss by Dave216
- Aliens Ate My Babysitter ...Again 15th Anniversary by NY00123
- Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined by namida
- Puzzle for Pogo (Level 01) from The Life of Mars by SodiumtheGlitcher
- Green Mars Capital (Level 04) from The Life of Mars by SodiumtheGlitcher
- an actual castle this time (Level 16) from The Life of Mars by SodiumtheGlitcher
- Level 02 from Inside the Vorticon Hyve by Vortlike
- The Dungeons (Level 02) from Mura by Nospike
- Cauliflower Quarter (Level 08) from Keen Dreams Gold Edition by szemi
- Turnip Trapway (Level 11) from Keen Dreams Gold Edition by szemi
- Temple of Khalid (Level 05, Craig) from Revival of Bliss by Dave216
- Void Pith (Level 08, Keen) from Revival of Bliss by Dave216
- Temple Harepan (Level 06, Keen) from Revival of Bliss by Dave216
- Water Abode (Level 15, Craig) from Revival of Bliss by Dave216

1.7: Best Tool
- uGrab v.1.013 by K1n9_Duk3
- VorticonView v.1.6 and GalaxyView v.1.9 by K1n9_Duk3
2.1: Best Graphical Artwork (e.g. an individual piece of art or a series of comics)
- Fanart (Pajama Keen) by The Pixel Apothecary
- "Get Well" artwork for Emmxyzzy by The Pixel Apothecary
- Fanart (Commander Keen) by Narklos
- Revival of Bliss by Dave216
- Commander Keen: The Comic Strip by Mort
- Keen 4 remake mockup by pakesinho
- Revival of Bliss by Dave216
- Commander Keen: The Comic Strip by Mort
- Mura by Nospike
- Keen Dreams Gold Edition original soundtrack by T-Squared, XkyRauh, Kosmyn, Dave216, and ZidaneA
- Revival of Bliss Soundtrack by Dave216
- Alien Abduction remix by Pandakeen (from PlerbMidi, original song from Battle of the Brains)

2.5: Best Non-Computerized Art (pencil drawing, sculpture, cosplay etc.)
- Chester & the Bips by Ryan
- Psychedelic Keen art (artwork #1, #2) by StarHitchhiker
- Revival of Bliss playthrough by Shikadi-Netzwerk
- The Sunnylands playthrough by troublesomekeen
- Canmore's Redemption playthrough (ReShade) by biffstudly
- Foray in the Forest highlight compilation by Emmxyzzy
3.1: Best Website
- KeenWiki by Malvineous
- PCKF Archive by Grandy02
- Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined - Help by namida
- Commander Keen: The Comic Strip by Mort

3.3: Online Community Service Recognition (for the hard-working admins, moderators and website owners)
- Quillax
- Fleexy
- Grandy02
- Malvineous
- Nisaba
4.1: Keenest Person of the Year
- Nisaba
- Quillax
- dark
- K1n9_Duk3
- Syllypryde
- szemi
- Apple II port of Keen 1 proof of concept by deater
- Behind-the-scenes videos of porting Chocolate Keen to WebAssembly (video #1, #2) by James Mackenzie
- Foray in the Forest as a patch-based Keen 4 mod by K1n9_Duk3
- Minimum Winning Scores - Commander Keen - ADG Pro 30 by Pixelmusement
- Guide to the reconstructed Keen 4-6 (and Dreams) source code by K1n9_Duk3
- Foray in the Forest v.2.0 by Nisaba
- Inside the Vorticon Hyve by Vortlike
- The Omnispeak Modding Preview Kit by Multimania
- Keen Meets the Meats Gold Edition by szemi